Problem: You want to programmatically show Business Partner details in BP transaction.
Solution: Again, there are at least two ways to achieve your goal.
First is to use solution from previous post: [cref openning-transaction-in-a-new-windowsession]. This however will require you to record Batch Input session using SHDB transaction and paste it into the LT_USING parameter.
Second solution is neater in my opinion. You can use two standard classes that have been designed to fit this particular requirement. These are CL_BUPA_NAVIGATION_REQUEST and CL_BUPA_DIALOG_JOEL_OPTIONS. Combined, these classes give you enough options to allow showing Business Partner in BP transaction. Here is what you should do.
DATA: lv_partner TYPE bu_partner, lo_request TYPE REF TO cl_bupa_navigation_request, lo_options TYPE REF TO cl_bupa_dialog_joel_options. CALL FUNCTION 'CONVERSION_EXIT_ALPHA_INPUT' EXPORTING input = iv_partner IMPORTING output = lv_partner. CREATE OBJECT lo_request. CALL METHOD lo_request->set_partner_number( lv_partner ). CALL METHOD lo_request->set_maintenance_id EXPORTING iv_value = lo_request->gc_maintenance_id_partner. CALL METHOD lo_request->set_bupa_activity EXPORTING iv_value = lo_request->gc_activity_display. * Set locator invisible CREATE OBJECT lo_options. CALL METHOD lo_options->set_locator_visible( space ). CALL METHOD cl_bupa_dialog_joel=>start_with_navigation EXPORTING iv_request = lo_request iv_options = lo_options iv_in_new_internal_mode = abap_false iv_in_new_window = abap_true EXCEPTIONS already_started = 1 not_allowed = 2 OTHERS = 3.
DATA: lv_partner TYPE bu_partner, lo_request TYPE REF TO cl_bupa_navigation_request, lo_options TYPE REF TO cl_bupa_dialog_joel_options. CALL FUNCTION 'CONVERSION_EXIT_ALPHA_INPUT' EXPORTING input = iv_partner IMPORTING output = lv_partner. CREATE OBJECT lo_request. CALL METHOD lo_request->set_partner_number( lv_partner ). CALL METHOD lo_request->set_maintenance_id EXPORTING iv_value = lo_request->gc_maintenance_id_partner. CALL METHOD lo_request->set_bupa_activity EXPORTING iv_value = lo_request->gc_activity_display. * Set locator invisible CREATE OBJECT lo_options. CALL METHOD lo_options->set_locator_visible( space ). CALL METHOD cl_bupa_dialog_joel=>start_with_navigation EXPORTING iv_request = lo_request iv_options = lo_options iv_in_new_internal_mode = abap_false iv_in_new_window = abap_true EXCEPTIONS already_started = 1 not_allowed = 2 OTHERS = 3.
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