Problem: you want to select a worksheet to which you will export data using ABAP OLE Automation.
Solution: All you need to do is use below code and it will work like a charm.
TYPE-POOLS: ole2. DATA: lv_excel TYPE ole2_object, lv_workbook TYPE ole2_object, lv_sheet TYPE ole2_object. * start Excel CREATE OBJECT lv_excel 'EXCEL.APPLICATION'. CHECK sy-subrc = 0. * make it visible SET PROPERTY OF lv_excel 'VISIBLE' = 1. * open the file CALL METHOD OF lv_excel 'WORKBOOKS' = lv_workbook. CALL METHOD OF lv_workbook 'OPEN' EXPORTING #1 = 'c:\myExcelFile.xls'. * Open the first sheet in the workbook CALL METHOD OF lv_excel 'WORKSHEETS' = lv_sheet EXPORTING #1 = 1. CALL METHOD OF lv_sheet 'ACTIVATE'. FREE OBJECT: lv_sheet, lv_workbook, lv_excel.
TYPE-POOLS: ole2. DATA: lv_excel TYPE ole2_object, lv_workbook TYPE ole2_object, lv_sheet TYPE ole2_object. * start Excel CREATE OBJECT lv_excel 'EXCEL.APPLICATION'. CHECK sy-subrc = 0. * make it visible SET PROPERTY OF lv_excel 'VISIBLE' = 1. * open the file CALL METHOD OF lv_excel 'WORKBOOKS' = lv_workbook. CALL METHOD OF lv_workbook 'OPEN' EXPORTING #1 = 'c:\myExcelFile.xls'. * Open the first sheet in the workbook CALL METHOD OF lv_excel 'WORKSHEETS' = lv_sheet EXPORTING #1 = 1. CALL METHOD OF lv_sheet 'ACTIVATE'. FREE OBJECT: lv_sheet, lv_workbook, lv_excel.
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