Problem: you have a custom parameter in your Action conditions and you want to fill it with a value.
Solution: SAP CRM is one of the easiest systems to enhance. This issue can also be solved very easily.
All you need to do is create an implementation of a BADI called CONTAINER_PPF. In this implementation, in method IF_EX_CONTAINER_PPF~MODIFY_CONTAINER you can modify the parameter or the container itself.
To modify parameter simply use code as shown below.
DATA: lv_return TYPE sy-subrc. CALL METHOD ci_parameter->set_value EXPORTING element_name = 'PARAMETER_NAME' data = 'PARAMETER_VALUE' RECEIVING retcode = lv_return.
DATA: lv_return TYPE sy-subrc. CALL METHOD ci_parameter->set_value EXPORTING element_name = 'PARAMETER_NAME' data = 'PARAMETER_VALUE' RECEIVING retcode = lv_return.
Just remember, to put correct document type in the filter of your BADI implementation.
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