Problem: you want to find information about all transports that have been imported to system in a time period.
Archiwum tagów: crm - Strona 7
Information about transports imported to target system
Get item GUID while within the item
Problem: you are in a BADI or FM executed during the load/change of the CRMD_ORDER transaction and you need to get the GUID of the document item.
New fields in CUSTOMER_H and CUSTOMER_I tabs are not updated
Problem: you have added new fields to CRMD_CUSTOMER_H/CRMD_CUSTOMER_I tables but they are not updated.
Unlock documents that are being distributed
Problem: you cannot modify document in CRM. System says it is locked to to distribution. This situation persists for a longer time.
How to find include for given method of a class?
Problem: you want to find the name of an include for method of a class.
Sending email from SAP CRM
Problem: You want to send an email to an outside inbox.
SLA calculation result is a non-working day
Problem: after the SLA times calculation, result is a non-working day (Saturday or Sunday). Even though Service Profile clearly states that SLA should be calculated only for Monday-Friday.
Product change on item of CRM document
Problem: you want to change product on one of the document items in SAP CRM. You want to do it from a custom report.
Change of outside document in BADI
Problem: during a BADI call you have changed a document, different from one which called the BADI. You cannot use COMMIT WORK as this will destroy the BADI session. And you want to save the outside document with the one which called the BADI.